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Sinusitis - Maxillary

Fast facts on sinusitis

Here are some key points about sinusitis. More detail is in the main article.


  1. People have four pairs of sinuses, hollow spaces behind the bones of the face.
  2. Allergies, bacteria or a virus can cause inflammation of the sinuses, or sinusitis.
  3. It usually goes away without treatment, but sometimes medical attention is needed.
  4. Chronic sinusitis lasts more than 12 weeks.


What is sinusitis?

A sinus is a hollow space in the body. There are many types of sinus, but sinusitis affects the paranasal sinuses, the spaces behind the face that lead to the nasal cavity.

The paranasal sinuses have the same mucous membrane lining as the nose.They produce a slimy secretion called mucus. This keeps the nasal passages moist and traps dirt particles and germs.

Sinusitis occurs when mucus builds up and the sinuses become inflamed.

Doctors often refer to sinusitis as rhinosinusitus, because inflammation of the sinuses nearly always occurs with inflammation of the nose known as rhinitis.



Symptoms vary, depending on the length and severity of the infection.

If the patient has two or more of the following symptoms and thick, green or yellow nasal discharge, they may be diagnosed with acute sinusitis.

  1. facial pain and pressure
  2. blocked nose
  3. nasal discharge
  4. reduced sense of smell
  5. congestion
  6. cough

In more advanced cases, the following symptoms may also be present:

  1. fever
  2. halitosis, or foul-smelling breath
  3. tiredness
  4. toothache
  5. headache



  1. Treatment options depend on how long the condition lasts.
  2. Acute and subacute sinusitis
  3. Most acute cases will resolve without treatment.


However, sinusitis can be uncomfortable, so people often use home remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) medications to relieve symptoms.


In the following cases, the person should see a doctor:

  1. Symptoms persist longer than 7 to 10 days.
  2. There is a fever higher than 101.5° Fahrenheit, or around 38.6° Celsius.
  3. There is a bad headache that does not resolve with over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.
  4. Visual disturbances occur, or there is swelling around the eyes.
  5. Symptoms continue after taking antibiotics prescribed by a physician.


If the sinusitis has a bacterial cause, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics. If symptoms remain after the course of medication is finished, the individual should return to the doctor.

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