Hospital Hours : Monday to Saturday - 10am to 7pm

  • +91 8155004488
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Complications (SMR)


1. Haemorrhage 
2. Tear of the submucosal flaps
3. Trauma to surrounding structures such as turbinates and the Lamina Papyracea
4. CSF rhinorrhoea leak due to damage to the cribriform plate.
5. Aneasthesia complications like cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension.


1. Reactionary haemorrhage: This occurs due the wearing off effect of adrenaline and usually occurs within the first 48 hours after surgery
2. Septal hematoma
3. Septal abscess: Result from infected septal hematoma
4. Septal Perforation: It occurs if both the mucoperichondrial flaps are torn at the same site.
5. Meningitis: Infection can spread via the ophthalmic veins or cribriform plate causing meningitis or brain abscess.
Pain may persist for a few weeks in a few cases.


Revision surgery very difficult. Caudal dislocation cannot be corrected. Cannot be combined with rhinoplasty.

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