Hospital Hours : Monday to Saturday - 10am to 7pm

  • +91 8155004488
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Posterior Rhinoscopy

what is posterior Rhinoscopy?

This is a procedure used to examine the posterior part of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx.


What is the Procedure of posterior Rhinoscopy?

(1) The mouth is opened. The tongue is depressed by means of a tongue depressor, the mirror is dipped in antifog solution or warmed over the flame to avoid deposition of moisture.

(2) A posterior rhinoscopy mirror is then passed behind the soft palate with the mirror facing upwards.

(3) The patient is then told to relax and take deep breaths.

Structures visualised

(a)       Laterally Eustachian tube opening is seen on the posterior end of     the          inferior turbinate.
(b)       Medically, Posterior end of middle, inferior and superior turbinates and        posterior part of septum.
(c)       Inferiorly end posterior surface of the soft palate.
(d)       Rosenmullers fossa is seen behind the Eustachian tube. 


Problems in Posterior Rhinoscopy
In about 20% of the patients it is not possible to examine the post nasal space by posterior rhinoscopy mirror.
A nasopharyngoscopy (fibre-optic) in preferred in such cases.


Gag Reflex:
In some sensitive patients this prevents proper examinations.
Children are usually not very co-operative in this procedure.

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